One week from today, we leave for a month plus in Germany. It is exciting and challenging - the impact of covid has presented new obstacles and unknowns. Once we were through the complete vaccination process in April 2021, many doors were reopened. However, the landscape was different and, most likely, will never be the same.
We will land in Frankfurt Germany, lease a new car and drive from northeast to southwest. We are staying in nine different places, most for 5 nights to allow exploration of the area. Our first stop is Hamburg. On the upside, Germany is doing well with managing the virus, we have a solid plan, and Debby speaks fluent German.
My concerns include the car lease process, how we will feel after the flight to navigate a six hour trip, and the unknown. I have a great deal of confidence in us and our ability to handle situations and challenges, however, you never know.
For months we have looked at maps, watched you tube videos, reserved airbnbs, and discussed our plan. I am relaxed knowing we have a week to bring it all together, close up the house, say our good byes and begin our adventure. I am excited for this is our first extended non-Colombian international trip. Germany represents the homeland for us both and offers so much - history, cutting edge, nature, food, drinks, and overall experiences.